
Ontario Business Grants

Ontario Business Grants was founded to provide Ontario entrepreneurs with information on every current source of funding for their business, whether that be grants, loans, wage subsidies, tax credits, and more…all in one place! They are researchers first, and take pride in having the most comprehensive, up-to-date database of financial incentives for Ontario businesses.

Ontario Business Grants to find the right Grant for your business! 

Canadian Digital Adoption Program

Technology and the pace of change has accelerated rapidly in the last few years. If you are having difficulty keeping up, or want to optimize the digital capacity of your business, consider applying for a Canada Digital Adoption Program (CDAP) Boost Your Business Technology.

Boost Your Business Technology can help get your business online, give your e-commerce presence a boost, or digitalize your business' operations. These grants are designed to help Canadian businesses become more competitive.

In addition to helping your business scale up its technology, and become more resilient and competitive, the program also offers wage subsidies to hire youth to support the implementation of new technology and strategies.

More about Boost Your Business Technology:
        • Use a free digital assessment tool to evaluate your business’ digital readiness.
        • Get a grant of up to $15,000 to consult a digital expert and develop a digital adoption plan for your business.
        • Get up to $100,000 in interest-free loans from BDC to implement your digital adoption plan.
        • Leverage a subsidized work placement of up to $7,300 to bring on a youth to help with your digital transformation.

Apply Online Here

If you have any questions about the wage subsidy, please reach out to


Canadian Digital Adoption Program - Youth Boost

Youth Boost helps job seekers build the digital and human skills they need to succeed in the current job market.

Your free account gives you access to learning labs, resources, and courses from Magnet and our partners, all developed to help you understand and build the skills in demand by employers across different industries.

Our goal is to help you strengthen your portfolio of skills and projects so you can demonstrate your readiness and experience to employers. Wherever you are in your career, we can help you level up your skills and connections.

Want to know more? Here is how it works:
1. Get started today by creating a free Youth Boostaccount! Youth Boost is here to help you discover andprepare for your next opportunity!
2. Get growing: Choose from 20 learning labs from Prepr, each with a focus on different in-demand digital and human skills. Instantly access new and featured courses from diverse partners by choosing from our rotating carousel of courses when you sign-in
3. Get matched: Add new skills to your profile as you complete learning labs and courses to get matched with relevant job opportunities posted on Magnet.
4. Get Informed: Learning labs are developed with support and input from employers, industry leaders, and educators. You’ll complete projects based on real challenges, using real skills needed in your industry of choice.
5. Get Hired: Youth Boost will also connect users to paid placements offered through the Canadian Digital Adoption Program (CDAP) Boost Your Business Technology Grant, funded by the government of Canada. Participants will gain valuable experience implementing and managing technology solutions and strategies. Get started today! 

Regional Tourism Organization 7 (RTO7) Funding Programs

Regional Tourism Organization 7 (RTO7) provides strategic and collaborative leadership to build, sustain and grow tourism in BruceGreySimcoe (see map). We are one of 13 RTOs – independent, not-for-profit corporations - to which the Ontario government provides some $38 million in annual funding to lead tourism planning, marketing and development in their respective regions. Visit our website for more information


Funding for Southern Ontario

FedDev Ontario is helping to build a green, inclusive and globally competitive southern Ontario by investing in companies to innovate, expand and diversify and supporting organizations to provide business support and services in communities across the region.

Find out how we can help you below or contact us for assistance.


Southwestern Ontario Development Fund

The Southwestern Ontario Development Fund provides support for projects and investments to existing businesses, municipalities and not-for-profit organizations for economic development in southwestern Ontario. The objective of the program is to provide financial support and services to help growing companies in eastern and southwestern Ontario make investments to:

-grow their businesses
-improve productivity
-invest in innovation and skills development
-pursue new markets
-generate broad positive regional economic impact
-create new good, sustainable jobs
A project is a distinct undertaking, separate from ongoing operations, that will result in benefits to the organization such as business growth or access to new markets.

The types of support available include:

-funding support
-complementary services and support

For more information and to apply, visit: